Hi Dave,
Just want to thank you for everything you have done for Carl. Ever since I have known him, he has always struggled, from his childhood, he never thinks anyone likes him and will never ask for help for fear of rejection.
His mum dying was the last straw that broke the camel's back. It took him a while to break down and tell me he was struggling, even then he refused help!
When I rang Liverpool Bereavement Services, I didn,t know if he would attend, but he did and each week you could see the load was getting lighter.
On holiday he was so relaxed, I've not seen him like that for a long time and I know talking to you was the result of this. He will always have his insecurities but dealing with his mum's death was something I never thought he would be able to do.
Thank you so much, everything you have done means the world to us.